School / enterprise experiences go digital



2021 – 2023

Project type:

Funded project




Corporate innovation and new business models



Total budget:

297.521 € of which 47.646 directly managed by Fondazione Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia

Fondazione Ca’ Foscari’s role:



The project, submitted under Key Action 2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices of the ERASMUS+ program and led by Alterevo Srls [ITA], is funded through the extraordinary call launched in response to the impact of Covid-19 in the educational sector. In addition to the lead partner and Fondazione Ca' Foscari, the international partnership involves institutions for higher education (IIS Vittorio Veneto - Vittorio Veneto, [ITA] TV; Srednja ekonomska sola in Gimnazija [SLO] - Maribor, SLO) and Foundations, companies and NGOs specializing in consulting, project management and technology transfer applied to youth education (El Caleidoscopio [SPA]- Elche [SPA]; Fundacija Prizma - Maribor SLO; Intermediakt - Patras, GRE). The project, inspired by the structure and methodologies applied in the Innovative Learning Laboratories of Ca' Foscari University, aims to develop a toolkit for the promotion and dissemination of innovative practices and methodologies in the field of dual education, and was divided into three main phases: 

  1. Baseline study on the state of the art of dual education systems at the European level, aimed at identifying problems and opportunities for intervention and the production of a draft toolkit by Fondazione Università Ca' Foscari;
  2. Internal testing and co-design phase in collaboration with 3 local stakeholders in each partner country, identification of digital technologies to support the educational methodology developed, definition of the toolkit.
  3. Fine-tuning of the toolkit and transfer of the methodology through joint international training action, external testing in collaboration with SEED Local Communities identified by the project partners within pilot workshops.
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