© Riccardo Zipoli, In Domo Foscari



Fondazione Università Ca' Foscari is a university foundation under private law established in 2010 on the initiative of Università Ca' Foscari Venezia. Fondazione represents the direct result of the experience of Ca' Foscari Formazione e Ricerca S.r.l., a company established by the University during the Rectorate of Prof. Maurizio Rispoli with the aim of intensifying and expanding synergies and relationships with the surrounding territory. Fondazione Università Ca’ Foscari has operated as an instrumental body of the namesake University since its establishment.

As such, it activates the most appropriate channels for the transfer and sharing of Ca' Foscari's research results through complex and multidisciplinary projects developed in collaboration with local entities, companies and institutions. 

The administrative headquarter of Fondazione Università Ca’ Foscari is housed at the former Parisi warehouses in Santa Croce, a short walk from the main access points to the city of Venice from the mainland. 

  • 2002: Ca’ Foscari Formazione e Ricerca S.r.l. is established
  • 2010: Fondazione Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia is established
  • 2014: Fondazione Università Ca' Foscari joins the National Conference of University Foundations. 
  • 2020: acquisition of the editorial branch of Edizioni Ca’ Foscari S.r.l. 

Fondazione at a glance



10 mln

average annual revenue


companies and institutions in our network


attendants at public engagement events


Our governance is based on a transparent management and on an effective internal control system. 

Board of Directors

  • Prof. Tiziana Lippiello - President
  • Prof. Elisa Barbieri - Board Member
  • Prof. Alessandra Bucossi - Board Member
  • Prof. Massimiliano Granieri - Board Member
  • Prof. Claudio Lucchese - Board Member
  • Prof. Fabrizio Panozzo - Board Member
  • Prof. Riccardo Pietrabissa - Board Member appointed by MUR
  • Renzo Chervatin - Board Member representing the institutional partner Unicredit
  • Giovanni Dell’Olivo - Board Member representing the institutional partner Fondazione di Venezia 

General Director

  • Cristiana Rita Alfonsi
