Mobile Wastewater Processing Plant for a Circular Economy



2021 - 2024

Project type:

Custom service within a funded project

Financing authority:

Martin Ecologia srl, Facchin Engineering srl e Desam srl


PSC 2014 - 2020, DGRV 1800/2001


Sustainability, ESG models and environmental studies



Total budget:

611.185 € in which 145.000 € directly managed by Fondazione Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia

Fondazione Ca’ Foscari’s role:

Project designer


The project proposal submitted by the SME aggregation composed of Martin Ecologia srl, Facchin Engineering srl and Desam srl, which features Fondazione Università Ca’ Foscari as a technology transfer body, was financed by the 2014-2020 PSC through the DGRV 1800/2021 call for proposals. The project, coordinated by Prof. Pavan, involves the development of an efficient and innovative technology for on-site purification of wastewater which are  generally sent to centralized treatment plants, a practice that negatively impacts treatment costs. The innovative technology is based on the use of waste minerals and clays from the mining process of the mining industry, which will replace the commonly used chemicals, ensuring not only the cost-effectiveness of the system but also and above all the environmental sustainability of the process.