


2023 – 2026

Project type:

Funded project


"Technical Support Instrument (TSI)” – ESH Management For the Financial Sector – TSI-2023-ESGRM-IBA Grant Agreement Project 101145727 of the 23/08/2023


Sustainability, ESG models and environmental studies



Total budget:

4.000.000 €, of which 700.154,50 € directly managed by Fondazione Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia

Fondazione Ca’ Foscari’s role:

Affiliated Partner of the Department of Economics - Ca' Foscari University


The overall objective of ESG-UPTAKE is to strengthen the capacity of NCAs in EU member states to monitor and address ESG risks in the financial sector. Specifically, the project supports NCAs in identifying, monitoring, and assessing the impact of ESG risks on supervised entities (in the countries of the selected NCAs) and on the financial sector as a whole, in order to adopt appropriate supervisory responses and indirectly contribute to the achievement of overall EU and national sustainability goals. 

The project, coordinated by Ca' Foscari University Venice as lead partner, will be developed by a partnership including Leibniz Institute for Financial Research (SAFE) in Frankfurt and Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU). Fondazione Università Ca’ Foscari, in its role of Affiliated Entity of the Department of Economics, will manage activities related to the organization of events and workshops, technical support and capacity building activities for specific tasks and dissemination activities, and in particular: 

  • Technical support in ESG and climate risk data collection with a focus on prospective ESG information, input for scenario analysis and related stress tests;
  • Support for the assessment of NCAs' supervisory approaches to ESG risks, assessment of compliance with the current EU sustainable finance framework (EU taxonomy and CSRD), development of approaches for the identification, quantification monitoring and management of ESG risks of financial institutions and industrial companies, for the preparation of documentation containing sample guidelines and tools, and for the preparation of a report containing policy recommendations for the development of supervisory guidance/expectations towards supervised entities.
  • Support for training and capacity building on supervisory methodologies and workflows developed under the previously described supports, training and capacity building activities, preparation of materials.